Deciding To Downsize

I spoke with a homeowner recently who is planing to sell his current home and downsize soon. The property is wonderful, but very large and a lot of work to maintain. He and his wife are looking forward to finding a smaller place and having more time for family and other priorities. 

For him, the main motivation for selling his current home is to have more free time, but there are a number of other reasons why downsizing to a smaller house makes sense for some people.

Here are 6 of the top reasons for downsizing:

  1. To save money

  2. Previous space was too big

  3. Previous space was too hard to clean/maintain

  4. Children moved out

  5. To reduce stress

  6. To reduce clutter

Deciding To Downsize Infographic.jpg

Are you thinking of selling your house and finding a smaller home? If so, what is your main reason for wanting to downsize? Or are you on the other end of the spectrum and searching for more space? 

Either way, I’d love to help you find your next home! Call me today and let’s make a plan that makes sense for your priorities in this season.

BuyingZoe O'Connor Gordon